

Paul Hamer MP

by David Brown (Nov 2019) / Podcast

Paul Hamer is the is only the 32nd member of the Victorian Parliament to have engineering qualifications since the formation of the Victorian government in 1856.


Sam Linke-A young engineer going places

by David Brown (Sep 2018) / interview

Sam Linkey graduated in 2010 in civil engineering and the History and Philosophy of Science. She is now the technical leader of transport modelling at the consulting firm Jacobs. …



Anita Curnow-Transport engineering is about people

by David Brown (Sep 2018) / interview

Anita graduated as a Civil Engineer in the early 90s and she tossed up between a career in hydraulics or traffic engineering. 


Luis Pilo Willumsen-The changing nature of transport modelling

by David Brown (Aug 2017)

Transport computer models have often been used for predicting volumes and evaluating specific projects but as we embrace new technology you see the reluctantly or with enthusiasm should we be looking more and more…


Parramatta Road trackless tram

by David Brown (Apr 2017)

Parramatta Road through Sidney’s in the West is a classic old style main road with typical major problems the controversial West conics tunnel should take some…
