Young ITE-ANZ 2022

Nikhil Maharaj

President of the Young ITE-ANZ

Nikhil Maharaj

Nikhil is a Strategic Transport Engineer at the City of Boroondara and is the president of the Young ITE-ANZ Committee.

From an early point in his life, he was exposed to the transport engineering world and has since been fascinated by how to be best involved in advocating a shift to more sustainable and resourceful forms of transport and connecting with like-minded individuals.

His involvement began with ITE-ANZ in 2021 where he joined the Young ITE-ANZ committee as Vice-President and has now stepped up into the position of President.

Nikhil aims to bridge the gap between the transportation industry and other groups/industries traditionally separated from transportation involvements.

Marlon Gunawardana

Vice – President


I am a First-Class Honours Graduate from a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering at RMIT University and am currently working at Ratio Consultants as a Traffic Engineer. I am interested in growing my knowledge and engineering skills as well as gaining experience in the industry while building connections through my involvement in YITE and ITE-ANZ. I seek to continually improve, learn from those around me and work with other professionals from a variety of industries to provide great outcomes and high-quality advice.

Allan Ipe



Matt Bennett

Immediate Past President


Abbass Kak



Yingcui Chan

Student Chapter Liaison


Ky Tri Nguyen

General Representative
